Monday, December 31, 2007

The Good, The Bad and the So-So

Yay! I had a week (really 5 days) of movie watching. With kids parents in town, I took some time to do some movie watching... In 4 days I watched:

National Treasure: Book of Secrets - Guilty pleasure - I love it for what it bubble gum. Loved the first. This one is EXACTLY like the first - so I loved the second. Guilty pleasure GOODness

- Interesting, good performances - the pie names and creations were a riot. I love Keri Russell - so, this one is definitely GOOD

Juno - This is probably my favorite movie that I have seen all year. Fierce biting sarcastic wit with as fierce a sappy heart...the script rocked! The performances were stellar. This will make a Ellen Page a star. Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman and Michael Cera amazing. Indie all the way. I loved this film. This one is the Good-est.

27 Dresses - Caught this at a sneak preview. Let me preface my comments by stating two things. 1) I am a girl. 2) I really like James Marsden and Kathryn Heigl. This movie is Chick Flick Extraordinaire. Predictable? Yes! Cutsey? Yes! Over-the-top Relationship-y? Yes! From start to finish - it is 100% Girl movie. No hiding it - no masking it with manly characters (not a manly man to be found) or a sub-plot that could keep the husbands/boyfriends attention. All the men are sensitive types - all the women want to get married. I loved it. Please refer to item number #1 above if this confuses you. James Marsden has been one of my favorites since his Ally McBeal days - I just love that he can sing. And Kathryn Heigl is one of my favorites since her Roswell days, Knocked Up notwithstanding. Yeah, this one is all girly GOODness.

PS I Love You - Please remember item number 1 from above. Hilary Swank and the Phantom of the Opera and Harry and much goodness. It is a little weird to have a scene in karoake bar with both Harry Connick, Jr and Nellie McKay - great and fabulous singers - not singing. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, you'll always be Denny to me. I like it. Its a chick flick that trying to be different - and I like that. Ireland looks beautiful in this film. Definitely a GOOD effort.

Amazing Grace - This movie was different than I thought. It is the story of William Wilberforce and his decades long attempts to abolish the slave trade in England. Very interesting..performances good. It is a little distracting to see the new Dumbledore do anything else - but Michael Gambon was still good. It is a slower movie - the pacing was fine - the storytelling good. It is just a movie about politics - so it feels "slower" than all of the other movies I saw in my marathon - even slower than Waitress - that was a pretty quiet movie. Still - such a good story - strong moral compass and my favorite line of my movie marathon: "I don't know that I found God, I think he found me." - or something like that. GOOD

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry - I like Adam Sandler. I like Kevin James. This movie made me chuckle - twice...and mostly I would say "eh" of this one. The gay gags didn't seem so funny to me. It wasn't that fun to me. All around: So-So

The Water Horse - perhaps it was my mood, perhaps it was the distracting children all around me, perhaps it was that this was one of the last viewed after so many - but I did not like this movie and it crawled along for me...and slower than a snails pace. You see the whole movie in the trailer - boy finds an egg with a magic water horse in it - he hides it from his mother - water horse grows to enormous size and is put in lake - people are mean to it and it goes a little crazy. This movie could not be over fast enough...and you couldn't pay me to watch it again - even if cute Ben Chaplin is in it. Left a BAD tast in my mouth


Mrs Andy said...

I did not care for Waitress at all. Although, I am really liking Jeremy Sisto...hello Law & Order! I always think of Keri Russel as a dorky beehive in our ward growing up. Her mom was my Mia Maid adviosr and her brother Todd used to snap my bra in Sunday School

Juno disturbed me to no end. I didn't like this movie, and the music was SO annoying!

I loved Amazing Grace, because I love Ioan him. Also the story was inspiring as well.

I'm sad you didn't like Water Horse, I loved that show. I thought it was so cute.

As for National Treasure....hello Nicolas Cage...we heart you always. And we luff your National Treasure movies, please make more.

Mad Queen said...

I LOVED JUNO! I laughed and I cried ("laughter through tears is my favorite emotion" Steel Magnolias). I saw it for a second time recently and i thought i would not get so emotinoally involved in it... NOPE. I totally cried, happy tears. I am NOT a movie crier, but this one touches me so. It is so real and all about lOVE. Some people just don't get it. Seriously people, this movie is amazing. The best dialog I have heard in years. And the Waitress... awesome too! I loved that it was kind of quirky. It doesn't have to have perfect morals and well, as Glenn pointed out, the guys were pretty much all loosers... so it did no justice for men, but it still was way good. SNAPPY dialog. I am a total sucker for strong character development and snappy dialog. This movie had it both... same for Juno. And hello, Jason Bateman is ON MY LIST... HOTTTTTIE!