Tuesday, September 4, 2007

TV Season!

Its September and there is a feeling in September. The season changes -and as the temperature drops, I get excited...its TV TIME! Fall TV preparations have begun. I've posted my Fall 2007 Programming Guide on the wall in my office - (its poster size) and I'm pouring over the minutia of all the new shows and deciding what will get programmed into my TIVO/DVRs. Because of recent life changes (4 kids and 2 parents moving into my house and life) - I haven't had the time I usually have to prepare. Fortunately, though, I got to spend an oh-so-relaxing day with one of my "TV Kindred Spirits" over the weekend and had a little time to pour over what lies ahead. Its audition season - as all of the networks trot out their newbies across my television screen, to try to win my TIVO hours. Who will make the cut? Last year at this time, I had no idea that Friday Night Lights, Heroes and Brothers & Sisters would become fast favorites and their sophomore outings would be so hotly anticipated. Can't wait to fall in love with some new TV!

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